Friday, November 2, 2012

a is for april...


november is typically a month that people feel the need to share just how thankful they are.  why we don't feel the need to do this every month, i don't know, but november is the designated month.  i'm sure all you scholarly people can direct to me to places in our history that will enlighten me as to why, but i don't have that much time. 
anyway, i thought i would jump on the bandwagon and share each day of the month of november something i am thankful for.  in an attempt to keep this lighthearted and entertaining i thought i would base each day on a letter of the alphabet.  yes i see that i am going to run short since there are more days than letters but i will figure something out by the end.  these posts may not be long, but you might learn something about me. 

my sister april gets to start off my month of thankful posts.  i am 18 months older and we are night and day different.  i swear we would get along better if we had had separate bathrooms growing up.  as we get older we are finding more common ground.  i may not always say it but i really do love my sister.
there are so many funny stories i could share about our childhood but i'm going to keep it to one.  this one story really demonstrates just how different we are.  i am a rule follower to the a "t", my sister is a rule breaker. 
during the summer, when we were old enough to stay at home alone, my sister and i would fight like siblings often do.  which meant one of us would call mom at work mom!  april is being mean.  she would solve our problem or tell us to stop calling for silly things and we would carry on.  well one time, i'm sure we had called my mom one too many times that day, mom had had enough. 
april: mom, heather is being mean
mom: i've had enough.  you girls go to your rooms until i get home
our rooms sat adjacent to each, my sister's was at the end of the hall and mine was on the right hand side of the hall.  i can't remember the exact time that we were banished to our rooms, but it was afternoon and mom wasn't due home for at least a couple of hours. 
i'm sure there are a lot of kids who would've continued to argue and carry on and when they heard the garage door open dash to their rooms and pretend they had been there for hours.  this is my sister.  not me, i obediently went to my room.  that was the direction from mom and that is what i did. 
so there we sat, my sis at her doorway and me at mine, chatting and being friendly towards each other.  every now and then my sis would pipe up mom will never know if we leave our rooms.   which i always replied but that isn't what we were told to do. 
i think mom was surprised that we were actually in our rooms when she returned home.  i would be if i found my kids doing what they were told, especially when i wasn't home to monitor.
anyway, i am thankful for my sister.  there really isn't anything that compares to having a sister.  i have to admit, i'm glad there is only one of her, she is a fierce woman not to be double crossed. 
love you sis

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This story is one of the few I remember too. My big sister was and is always following the rules.....boring. I hate to admit it but it probably formed some kind of subconscious good angel on my shoulder wagging it's finger at me to do what's right and think of the consequences. I love you too sis :) April