Friday, October 5, 2012

locked out...

i have nothing important, revealing, poignant, funny or ridiculous to say.  what is happening to me? 

this week i forgot my pin number.  i have had the same debit card for three years, with the same pin number the whole time.  i did not pick out the number, it was issued to me.  so the digits hold no significant value to me outside of the fact that is how i access my millions.  oh wait, my pennies. 

i was at fred meyer trying to buy a baguette to go with dinner.  i swiped my card, lifted my hand to type in the pin number and stalled.  frozen in midair.  my mind went completely and utterly blank.  i stared at the keypad unsure of what to press.  after several tries, i had successfully locked myself out of my own bank account.

i don't carry cash very often.  i spend it too fast.  as if it might disappear if i don't purchase something i can hold onto forever or consume it.  i haven't ever had my dollars go up in flames, but i find it hard to hold onto cash almost like it were on fire.

i had told my brain lapse moment to my friend bethy who instantly said i'm worried about you.  what's my middle name?  i sat there with a puzzled look on my face trying to think of her middle name.  now in all fairness i don't use it that often, not like my debit card that i use daily, so this wasn't the fairest question.  she looked at me with an exasperated concerned look and we said it at the same time ann! 

there were two things i knew for sure about my number
1.  my four digit secret number contained only two digits
2.  none of the digits were in the middle row
i went to the bank the next day and explained my situation and pleaded for help.  after much run around and a phone call later, they agreed to unlock my account and give me three more shots before issuing me a new card and pin number.
so back to fred meyer i went.  this time i only attempted to purchase a pack of gum.  i had that much change to cover the transaction just in case i locked myself out again.  i picked a checker with a friendly face.  you don't want to try these shenanigans with someone who doesn't have a sense of humor.  i explained my situation and she seemed ready and hopeful that i would miraculously remember.
attempt 1...wrong
attempt 2...wrong
really?  i thought for sure that was it
attempt 3...success
two arms raised and a woo-hoo
the checker quickly handed me a pen  you should write it down before you forget again.  i followed her advice and wrote that super secret, completely irrelevant number sequence down.  now i just need to hide that number somewhere so nobody can find it.  hopefully i don't forget where i stashed the number. (wink)

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