Wednesday, October 17, 2012

eat a slug...

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would you rather eat a slug or a...
have you ever played this game?  you give the person two completely ridiculous options and they have to choose which one they would rather do.  my kiddos find great pleasure in this game.  most of the time i don't want to choose either, but that goes against the rules you are required to pick one.
recently i decided to introduce my "friend" to my kids.  i will say this is the soonest i have ever introduced a new male person into their lives.  this is new territory for all of us.  i was uneasy at first about how he would react to my kids and how my kids would react to him.  so far it has gone well.   i consider going well no major meltdowns from the ratchets or any unexpected this is too much and quick departure from the friend. 
this is not to say that there hasn't been some posturing from the miss p.  she is the hardest to please out of the two.  she has definitely copped an attitude more than once, been ultra sassy to see how far she can push me in front of my guest, and been utterly ridiculous in her behavior.  although she is the toughest to please she is also the easiest to get cozy.  she will choose to sidle up next to him on the couch to do her homework. 
ash on the other hand takes a completely different approach than his sis.  first of all i think he is glad to have some testosterone in the home.  most of the time he is outnumbered and dominated by estrogen.  ash is big on our guest getting priority; dish up first, the last of the orange juice, best seat,  what have you it's all about our guest.  the nervous side of him asks 100 million questions in succession, a lot of the times it is the same question repeatedly.  that is enough to drive anyone crazy.
the other night we were driving; the kids in their respective seats, me captaining our ship and my co-pilot.  i don't have a co-pilot very often, but i like it.  ash was spearheading the what would you choose game when miss p chimed in with her slug option.  before she could give the other option he quickly answered...
uh no! i would eat anything else besides a slug.
there was lots of giggles coming from everyone.  ash was giggling in his prepubescent nine year old boy giggle.  miss p was giggling in her "i've got something else coming" giggle.  i was giggling enjoying the interaction between my ratchets and their shiny new toy.  he was giggling in a good sport "who comes up with this stuff?" giggle.
...or a turd?
belly laughs all around.  only kids can get away with asking ridiculous questions such as these. 
i am pleased with how things are going.  i am sure there will be some hiccups along the way from all parties, but for now we are giggling, a lot. 

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