Wednesday, October 10, 2012

wrong side of the bed...

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i have said this many, many times...i am a routine person.  routines are predictable.  predictability means there are no surprises.  no surprises means that my pretty uneventful life runs smoothly.  running smoothly means that i am a happy camper and my mood stays somewhat even keel.  this is good news for anyone who happens to interact with me.  now of course one week a month it doesn't matter how predictable things are i am a hormonal mess, but three out of four weeks is pretty good.
the kids, myself and my fella friend were going to the store to get ice cream, a movie and whatever else we could find.  i was driving.  my ratchets chimed in from the backseat mom always parks in the same place.  they are right, regardless of the plethora of open parking spaces close to the entrance i almost always park my car in the same section of the parking lot.  i really don't think this is so weird, but looking at the quizzical look on my fella friend's face, i could be wrong.  after the look went away he said you are a routine person. 
i have a couple of reasons for parking where i do.  first, i always know where my car is.  i don't have to try and remember where i parked.  it is kind of like always putting your keys in the same place when you get home.  they are always where they should be.  how many times have you put something in a different place and then panic because you can't find it?  i don't like that feeling, so i put things in their home.  second, they (whoever they is) says americans don't move enough.  so i park far enough away that i have to traverse the parking lot to get to the door.  now i realize this increases my chances for a collision with a driver not paying attention, but my recovery should be faster because i am in better shape. 
on a side note...i am missing the fella mentioned above.  we spent a good majority of the weekend together.  i have mentioned this before, but i think it is so strange how easily i can get used to someones presence and how much i miss it when it's gone.  i should clarify that this doesn't happen with just anyone, but there is an ease that comes with this fella.
anyway, i passed out last night in the middle of a text conversation and while reading.  i always sleep on the left side of my queen size bed.  the right side is usually vacant, although it was occupied over the weekend.  i woke this morning on the right side of my bed, occupying the space where he had been, my book was open but not to the page i had left off on, and my reading light was still on.  i must've moved over sometime during the night to just be closer
i must say it was a little disorienting to wake up on the wrong side of the bed.  thankfully the cliche didn't ring true today.


Unknown said...

What if you wake up in the middle of the bed?

Unknown said...

marvin...i just don't wake up in the middle of the bed. most of the time i sleep as if i'm in a coffin, very still on my back hands folded across my midsection or chest.

Unknown said...

That is undeniably scary lol