this marks my 200th post. published post that is. i've composed a lot more but seem to lack the courage to publish them. i am kind of surprised i've had this much to say and share publicly. granted not all of what i've said or shared has been interesting, profound or even funny, but i've said it anyway.
so how does one mark their 200th post? i am guessing there won't be any confetti that magically sprinkles down from the sky, or balloons, or flowers, or a man in a suit handing me an over sized check with an insane amount of money scrawled on it for my accomplishments. bummer, that would've been totally cool. instead i will just keep writing.
well this is going to be short and sweet because i have nothing great to tell you. ho hum. all i really have to say is thank you for being on this journey with me.
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