Tuesday, April 17, 2012

choking on my cape...

moms are superheros in disguise.  we can do anything.  carry 8 bags of groceries, a kid on our hip, and answer the phone all at the same time.  we can make dinner, help with homework and get the living room vaccuumed with just two hands.  we can miraculously transport our kids to two different activities, mow the backyard and bake 85 cupcakes for the bakesale all in an hour.  moms are definitely superheros.  however, i had a mommy fail moment yesterday morning.  honestly it was longer than a moment, it was more like a 20 minute moment, but a failure nonetheless.

my kiddos come home from their dad's on the morning of school.  he drops them off on his way to work.  often times they come home needing breakfast, a clean change of clothes and an attitude adjustment.  i am not knocking my ex in anyway, i love making them breakfast, most of their clothes are here with me and i know the flip flopping of households takes it toll.  my beef is that we have very little time to get this all done by the time they barrell through the door.

my kiddos got the crud that has been going around; high fever, some throwing up, and body aches.  my daughter came down with this over the weekend.  she came through the door wailing like a mother who is watching her children being taken from her.  oh my goodness the drama.  P has quite the flair for theatrics, either she is totally fine or she is dying there is no inbetween with her. 

i was not privy to a heads up that she was going to need to stay home.  that tidbit of information would've made my morning a little easier.  so on top of the regular monday morning mayhem, i had to find a place for her to go.  just pile it on, i've got this.  i am a mom.

except i didn't handle myself well.  i totally laid into her.  i was so annoyed that she was still dying, still wailing, still being one hundred percent drama, that i didn't even give her a hug or welcome her home.  obviously this didn't go over too well.  in fact it made our morning even more choatic and stressful. now p and i are arguing about her being sick, something she has no control over but i am wanting her to buck up and get her butt to school so i don't have to worry about it.  totally unrealistic and unfair of me.

the reality, there is nothing i would've wanted to do more than call in sick myself and sit all snuggled up with my beauty for the day.  holding her tight, comforting her, stroking her hair from her forehead and having a movie marathon day.  sigh

clearly i got tangled up in my cape and was now choking myself with it.  no wonder that character in the incredibles  tells mr. incredible no capes when he is designing his new superhero costume.  capes are freaking dangerous!  sometimes humans can be so shortsighted and selfish.  i definitely have many of these moments, especially when i am wearing my mom costume. 

when i finally met back up with my beauty i made amends.  i wrapped that precious gift in all of my momness.  apologized for being mad at her for being sick, explaining that i was more upset that i couldn't stay home with her and had to work.  in pure, uncomplicated, unwavering kid love she said i still love you mom.  glad you are home.  oh those moments make it all worth it.

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