Monday, January 16, 2012

maybe i should get another cat...

Dating For Dummies (For Dummies (Psychology & Self Help))
i own this book.  go ahead laugh.  i suppose it is fitting that i have this book, scroll back and see all my dating experiences.  i would love to tell you that it lives cozied up with my Bible, since this is the bible of dating, but it doesn't.  that would be too perfect.  my dating bible doesn't have any dog eared pages, or highlighted sections, or passages that i have extracted and posted to my mirror.  it is in pristine condition because i have only looked at it one time, it was the day i received it. 

oh you thought i purchased it?  no sir.  it was a gift from my most favorite man, aside from my dad and my son (he's a man in training).  the reason for the gift marked a special day in our relationship, our frienniversary.  i didn't realize we were exchanging gifts to mark our anniversary so i failed to get him something.  i can be a crummy friend.

anyway, we sat nestled on my couch, laughing our sides out at the ridiculousness of this manual.  you can find anything from hygiene, to a checklist for the ten minutes before your date arrives, to how to avoid date rape.  anything you want to know you will find here.  there is one exception.  one question that is not answered...why is dating so freaking hard?  

there are so many single men and women looking for the same things; a companion, someone who gets them, and someone who encourages growth as an individual but also as a couple.  how can there be so many singles and so few connections?

i am beginning to think that it might actually be really hard to include someone into my life.  with every passing day of being single i become more and more cemented in my ways.  i like my dishwasher loaded a certain way.  i fold clothes a certain way.  i cook foods that i like.  i have my holiday traditions that i don't want to change.  i go to the same places for entertainment.  i don't have to check in with anyone, except my parents on a weekly basis. 

my routines make me rigid, less flexible.  i know from previous experience (matt) that i can alter how i do things to an extent, but truthfully i don't want to have to change things too much.  is there really someone out there that will fit seamlessly into the life i already live?  i keep reminding myself that when i meet the right person all the pieces will fit.  all the things that i worry about will seem like nonsense.  

until then maybe i should get another cat?  ha!  just kidding.

1 comment:

Kara said...

I kept meaning to come back & read this post of yours but I had forgotten until today. Hilarious about the book. As for routines & life the way you enjoy it, I think about that all the time. Having spent most of my adult life single (either preferred or in between relationships), it is always interesting meeting someone new. You shouldn't have to turn your world upside down to compromise & adjust to someone elses life. It should be a naturally flowing occurrence, & if it's not, well then it probably means one of you will be unhappy & it won't work. I have to remind myself of the simplicity of it all sometimes & stop over analyzing it :)