Wednesday, September 19, 2012

who would you marry....

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 if you were to get married tomorrow, who would you marry?

this was a surprising and strange question coming out of the mouth of my ten year old daughter.  i may have choked on my pizza, i can't really recall.  obviously i wanted to know a little more and asked what do you mean?   with a perfectly straight face she replied of the men you know, who would marry if you had to marry tomorrow? 
well i'm not going to divulge who it is, but i did have an answer.  i think my answer may have shocked her a bit, because i had to add a bunch of qualifiers.  the main one being she didn't exist.  in true preteen form she rolled her eyes and gasped a MOM!  she obviously didn't like my qualifier, but she wanted to know who.
if i didn't have kids or any type of limitations, i know exactly who i would marry.  if that person was interested is a whole different scenario, but that wasn't the premise of the question.  i wouldn't trade my kiddos for anything, but i would definitely have a different life without them.  she knows of him, but wanted to know why.  my list of attributes were as follows; intelligent, creative, hysterical and beautiful. 
more eye rolling with a mom, men can't be beautiful they are either handsome or hot.  i personally, don't use hot to describe men.  i do use handsome, but what is beyond handsome?  i guess i don't really know, so beautiful is what i went with.  she didn't approve.
we giggled a little bit and then she said well is there someone you would marry tomorrow and i could still be alive?  haha, love the way she worded the question.  this is a harder question to answer.  there are men in my life that i adore, cherish beyond words and love their company, but would i marry them?  no, which is probably why i am not with them.
you may be thinking, hold up flo what about your special someone??  this is a very good point and i have a good answer.  our relationship is new.  i'm still learning about him.  we seem to have great chemistry, many things in common, laughter comes easily, i am very attracted to him, and he possesses a lot of the qualities that i look for in a partner.  so what's the deal?  it's just new.  to say i would marry him seems premature although i want to spend a lot more time with him.
i have a rule of thumb, i don't ask a question i wouldn't answer.  this seems to be a fair and reasonable approach to question asking.  so i turned the tables on my daughter and asked her the same question.  you are probably guessing she rolled her eyes.  absolutely she did.  i was surprised to learn that she has two little friends that made the cut.  she had reasons for both; one being a really good friend and the other is a boy she thinks is hot.  oh my goodness i am not ready for her to use that word or think of boys that way.
so friends, mainly the single ones i don't want my married friends to get in trouble, if you had to get married tomorrow who would you marry? 

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