Tuesday, July 24, 2012

detox water...

have you ever crapped your pants?  i can't think of a time where i have, and i'm thinking if i had i would never, ever forget it.  for instance, i was told a story the other day, the story teller will remain nameless.

in college, my friends and i used to do a lot of fishing.  one weekend we were out fishing and i was thirsty so i looked at my options; calm still lake water or rushing clear river water.  i chose the river.  well the next day i was walking to class and there was a person running towards me.  i could feel my stomach rumbling and thought how funny it would be to fart as this person ran by.  so i was holding it in for just the right moment and when he ran by i pushed out the fart but got more than i bargained for, filling my drawers up and missing my class. 

as you can imagine i was rolling laughing.  one because i would've never guessed this human had ever crapped their pants and two well crapping your pants is just plain funny.  at least i think it is funny.

over the weekend i made this detox/weight loss water.  okay i didn't make the water, but i added some ingredients to the water and let it steep overnight.  i got the recipe from pinterest, yes i am still obsessed with this site.  often times i "pin" things without looking at them first.  recipe; water, a sliced lemon, fresh mint, peeled and sliced cucumber and peeled ginger.  here's the problem the recipe is in russian, so i am not sure if i have the amount of ingredients correct or if there is a certain amount you are supposed to drink at one time, etc. 

i assembled my water, let it steep overnight and started drinking it the next day.  i can tell you within 12 hours of having two glasses of this detox/weight loss water i could feel my tummy rumbling.  there was definitely some action.  i happened to be out with duedue, we took the kids to kla-ha-ya days, a town festival.  duedue and i were sitting in her car talking while our crazy kids were playing on the playground.  during a silent moment, my stomach made this huge noise like i had just crapped my pants.  i glanced at her with a did you hear that look on my face and she was looking at me with a do we need to leave look on her face.  i quickly said that was my stomach!  we laughed like only two good friends can.  the kind of laughter where you snort, then make no noise, then look at each other and start all over again.

24 hours after i started drinking this water i have had a major "clean out".  the lettuce i had for dinner with duedue could also be contributing, but i want to place all the blame on the water. since i can't read russian maybe the detox/weight loss aspect is that you are going to need to stay close to a toilet for awhile.  i haven't jumped on my scale to see the dramatic weight loss results, but the rumbling has ceased.  phew!


Unknown said...

Just because water is clear and moving doesn't mean its clean. Water pathogens are micro sized and you should never drink water without boiling or disinfecting and filtering it first. Otherwise you end up with "more than you bargained for".

Unknown said...

@marvin...you are so right, this was an embarrassing lesson for the unnamed story teller.