Wednesday, October 19, 2011

i have a wedgie...

just kidding!

finding a title that is catchy, eludes to what might be in the post and isn't too salty is challenging.  i often times leave my title for the end, trying to pull out a phrase from the text.  there a times when i have a thought to expand on and i do a 180 midstream which changes what my original title would have been. 

as you all know i am a huge reader.  my love of reading started when i was very young.  growing up our whole house shut down at 8:00pm.  everyone was in their beds, lights out, no noise.  we didn't have televisions in our rooms and this is before every human on earth possessed a cell phone.  i did have a boom box, i never carried it on my shoulder, but music wasn't allowed after 8.  it was against the rules to have our overhead lights on, but we could have a reading light or desk lamp on.  being a typical young person, i didn't want to go to bed when my mom told me to, so i read.  i know you are scoffing at my rebellion against the rules, because really, reading is not a serious crime.  far less offensive then say sneaking out or running away or sassing my mom. i've never been a wave maker.  as a youth i read almost every night at bedtime.  i have continued that into adulthood.

i pick books solely on their title or the image on the cover.  sometimes i just like the font the title was printed in or maybe the image reminds of a place i've been or want to go to, a person i know, or evokes a feeling that speaks to my soul.  i never read the synopsis, every read is a complete surprise and a new adventure, just the way i like it.  i have read some really interesting books, some really boring books, some that are written for someone much smarter than i, and some that i wish i had never picked out.  picking a book by it's title is definitely a crap shoot, but to me it is worth it. 

in the world of on-line dating a person's screen name is ultra intriguing to me.  screen names remind me of tattoos.  there is almost always a reason why someone chooses to permanently ink their bodies.  sometimes it is sentimental, or inspirational, but almost always it is important to that person.  screen names often reveal something unique and insightful about who that person is that they don't share in their bio.

for instance, i have a friend who's screen name is sasquatch with a two digit number after it.  what do you think of when you read sasquatch?  here is what i think:
1. a reference to really big feet.
2. has a secret fascination with the elusive big foot and goes on treks in the forest to find him.
3. has a personality that is bigger than life
well none of those are correct.  the word sasquatch is in reference to a music festival that happens at the gorge.  who knew?  that answer didn't even make my top five ideas.

how about this one pragmatic with a two digit number after it.  i got the pragmatic part  dealing or concerned with facts or actual occurrences.   i found this clever being a word nerd, but i couldn't for the life of me figure out the number reference.  i knew it wasn't the year the person was born, hoping it wasn't a reference to the number of lovers he had had, and didn't think it was a reference to the amount of dogs he currently has, but i suppose one never knows.  it was in fact a military reference.  i found this interesting since there was no mention of a military background in his bio.  ultimately this isn't someone i would ever pursue, but the screen name was clever.

my screen name is completely lame.  for some reason i lack creativity when it comes to my personal information.  i couldn't use something with Flo in it, everyone thinks i am referencing my monthly cycle, not really first impression material.  i ended up using a combination of my first and last name with the year i was born.  i told you it was lame.  if you can think of a better one please let me know.

so, what's in a title?  tons!  sorry there is no reference to thongs or any other type of underwear that is hopelessly lodged in my butt, that was misleading, but maybe it caught your attention.  it would've caught mine.

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