Thursday, February 19, 2015

my thirties in a nutshell...

as i am approaching the last year of my thirties, i thought it would be fun to recap what i've learned in my thirties.  when i turned thirty, i remember feeling that i was a real grown up.  thirty was the mile marker for me.  boy did i have a lot to learn about being a grown up.  i was in store for a roller coaster of grown-up-ness.

in my early thirties i was married and a mother to small children.  i learned that i really loved being a homemaker.  it was a job that i excelled at.  it was my favorite job and by far the hardest job to date. 

it wasn't too far into my thirties that i learned i could do unthinkable things.  i learned that i could ignore my values and principles, could lie to my friends and family, and do things that just weren't me.  unfortunately this was a terrible thing to learn about myself.  thankfully this lesson didn't land me in jail, but it did cause me to hit rock bottom and rediscover my true self.

i learned that i love beer, mainly craft beers but i'm down with a good ol' rainier.

i learned that one should never try to wax their nether regions on their own.

i learned that having a cat doesn't make me your cliché cat lady, but I suppose I still have time.

i learned that getting outside of my comfort zone won't kill me.

i learned that i should never drink tequila.

i learned that once you go black you can go back.

i learned that i am a better runner than i claim to be.

i learned that i know a shit ton of words.

i learned that i'm completely comfortable being the token single friend.

i learned that there are some terrible kissers out there.

i learned that i like having my nails polished.

i learned that i really like having matching bras and panties, although I only have them for special occasions.

i learned that i really love and need my girlfriends.

i learned that i can get along with anyone, unless that other person is an a**hole.

i learned that despite all my feet dragging, leggings can be worn as pants.

i learned that bicycle seats and i don't get along.

i learned that no matter how often or how much you clean, old dingy houses stay old dingy houses.

i learned that laughter really does cure a lot.

i learned that i can work on my car when i follow the manual.

i learned that i love football.

i learned that i can go to a bar, dinner, the movies, and all sorts of places by myself and nobody looks at me too strangely. 

i learned to speak my mind even if it isn't what someone wants to hear.

the best lesson i learned is that i am a quirky, 
often times random, 
sometimes funny, 
awesome gal!

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