there are certain types of people that i love in this world. they happen to be the ones that aren't pretentious, that aren't grossed out by bodily functions, and the ones that are genuine. it just so happens, i got to spend some of my weekend with this type of person.
i was supposed to go to moses lake over the weekend, with my girlfriends from school. i had my bags packed and everything, but something came up which kept me home. total bummer. i love my time with my girlfriends. especially the gals i have known for 20+ years. it's a no holds bar, don't have to pretend you're something you're not, sometimes a cat fight type of adventure.
instead of moping around like the loser who didn't get to go, i had a fun adventure of my own. a mexican meal, good conversation, and nightcap kind of adventure.
we met at a mexican restaurant neither of us had been to before. i text i will find a place in the bar. which was met with i don't know if there is a bar? i replied it's a mexican restaurant, there is always a bar. boy was i wrong. not only wasn't there a bar, but i was led through a maze of hallways into the belly of the building, to a tiny table for two, set against an arbitrary wall, in the middle of a walkway. the waitstaff said is this okay? i looked around at my other options, which nonexistent, and said yeah, this will be fine. i have to say, i've never been to a mexican restaurant that didn't have a bar and if i wasn't in a restaurant i may have been concerned following a stranger through a real life maze of hallways.
i sat at this strange little table waiting for my friend watching the endless waitstaff blur past me, a little girl get serenaded by a mariachi band, and a family share a meal, when a booth, tucked away in a private little alcove opened up. i had just swapped tables when my friend showed up. after filling our tummies with some delicious grub and cerveza, sharing some good laughs, and engaging our minds in thought provoking conversation, it was time to change venues.
we went from a crazy maze mexican joint to an old man's clubhouse. we bellied up to a classic american style bar surrounded by dead animals hanging on beautiful wood paneled walls, and hand crafted wood sculptures. this place had a very cabin-y feel. my friend even said we are in a man cave. we each ordered a beer and sat at the counter while the staff started to close up.
as our conversation continued, my friend says look at me and smile. a little perplexed i do as instructed, i'm really good at following directions. as i'm sitting there with my big goofy grin spread across my face, my friend starts reaching towards me and says hold still. i really didn't know what to expect, it isn't everyday someone tells you to smile, hold still, and is reaching towards your face. turns out i had food stuck in my teeth which my friend plucked it out of my teeth with their fingers. of course i did, why wouldn't i? i always seem to find myself in some sort of embarrassing scenario.
so my adventure wasn't as exciting as my trip to moses would have been, but my company was awesome. a genuine person without a hidden agenda, who isn't weirded out that my beer made me really burp-y or that i had food in my teeth. despite the fact that i didn't get to hang with my girlfriends, i was able to salvage a potentially bummer weekend. thank you friend for the exceptional company.
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