Wednesday, August 22, 2012

dream couple....

ahem, i'm going to fill you in on one of my "likes".  this is one of my favorite ways to kiss, except i want to be the one against the wall.  i will tell you why in a minute, but first i should tell you that my dream continued.  here is the cool thing about dreams, they are just snippets.  you see scenes that may or may not connect and if you happen to remember them when you wake up you can fill in the missing pieces.  you can make the story a tragic romance or a happily ever after.

as i have shared before, i want a relationship that is full of passion.  i have learned that this is really important to me.  i cannot be in a relationship that is passionless, it just isn't going to work for me.  the reoccurring couple in my dreams is dripping passion.  this time they were parting ways.
he pulled her in for one last embrace.  she melted against his frame. 
before i go any farther, i have to say this...i want to be this girl.  this girl in my dreams with this man.  i wish i knew more of their story.  maybe i will learn more as time passes or maybe this is just one of those happenstance occurrences and i won't see them again.  you know like in the movies and there is a couple that has an explosive weekend together and they part ways never to see each other again.  tragic romance.
he pressed her up against her car and kissed her deeply...
for me there is something really sexy about being picked up, pressed up against a surface (car, wall, shower door...) and deeply kissed.  i prefer to be the one against the wall because i like to feel the weight of my partner against me.  also because when/if he picks me up, the wall can help support me. 

alright, enough of the drippy sappy.  as you can tell i like this dream couple.  when i find this kind of chemistry, the kind that my dream couple has, you can bet i'm not going to let it pass me by.   

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