Wednesday, June 6, 2012

a hard question...

Mom, why is God making our life so hard?  Why can't we just be happy?

there are questions that my kids ask that i have no idea how to answer.  i am not able to answer the questions my daughter asked from a biblical standpoint.  i am not that strong in my religion.  i usually refer to her my friend bethy for biblical questions, but this was a situation that i had to deal with and i owed her that.

i honestly don't know.  i have my theories; so we appreciate the good stuff, so that we are reminded God is there and draw on him for strength and guidance, or so that we don't become lazy and entitled.  there are many, many reasons why people have to go through trials.  it is too hard to narrow it down to just one thing.  so instead of answering her question directly i focused on appreciating all the blessings that we have.

i believe that happiness comes from within.  recognizing and relishing in the blessings we already have is where true happiness comes from, everything else is just frosting.  even though i believe this i find myself getting trapped in the want for more.  when i was talking with my daughter i pointed out all the wonderful things that i have; amazing kids, incredible friends, a supportive and loving family, a job that supports me, a roof over my head that keeps me warm, the ability to feed and clothe myself and my kids.  i am truly rich and fortunate to have so much when so many have so little.

here's my trap, and i explained this to my daughter, i am not satisfied with all of the above. i don't want more close friends, or more children, or even wealth.  i want a companion someone that i can lean on, lift up and laugh with.  i know at ten years old she doesn't quite grasp this, but i think it's important that my kids see that i struggle with things just like they do.  more importantly that it is possible to move forward. 

the next part of our discussion was her telling me all the blessings she had in her life.  hearing her list all of the love she experiences was amazing.  i have so, so much to learn from her. 

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