Monday, June 18, 2012

gross hands...

NO way...gross hands

i was driving when i received this text and burst out laughing.  i laughed so hard i had tears in my eyes.  just for the record it is really hard to see the road and be a defensive driver when your eyes are leaking.  forget the fact that i read the text, a big no-no here in washington. 

anyway, after i laughed my sides out, wiped away my tears of joy and caught my breath, i began to wonder what in the world does that even mean?  are they big huge hands with tufts of hair on the knuckles?  or small hands with lil smokies for fingers?  or maybe really long fingers that seem to roll out when he opens his hand?  or maybe they are so calloused they don't look like hands anymore?  or maybe one is fake?  or maybe they have some weird skin disease and the palms are constantly peeling?  as you can see my mind was wondering what in the world gross hands really meant.

it turns out, it wasn't as awful as i thought.  the fella just had tiny scrawny hands.  this is only a good thing when you are looking for an obstetrician.  why?  well, when you are going to be delivering a baby you don't want a physician with giant hands, the baby is big enough.  think about it, the space we are talking about is small.  you have an infant the size of watermelon trying to get through a space that on a normal day accomdates an tangerine at best and then your doctor wants to include their hands into this space.  you see what i mean?  small hands is good for this job.

here is what i think is interesting about dating.  no matter what anybody says, it really just comes down to chemistry.  if there isn't a spark it won't matter how great the dude looks on paper it isn't going to go anywhere.  if there is no spark those small things, like gross hands, become deal breakers.  whereas, if there is a spark you would probably look past the gross hands because everything else that is being presented is great. 

when i met matt i knew instantly that i wanted to get to know him more.  in the past and even now i have never given a man with long hair a second glance, but i looked right past matt's hair (it is long enough to pull into a pony tail, that is long in my book) because everything else about him was sucking me in.  i am pretty sure that if that initial spark wasn't there i would have put him in the no column stating it was the length of his hair.  when in  reality it didn't have anything to do with his hair, there just wasn't a spark, and the hair is an excuse.

well, mr. gross hands is out and my newly dating friend is moving on to the next prospect.  i'm looking forward to more cryptic text messages that leave me wondering what does that mean?

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