Thursday, May 30, 2013

salty air...

i'm assuming all parents do this, but i have this incessant need to share some of my favorite memories with my kids.  recreating that feeling and memory and hopefully my kids will feel it too.  one of my favorite places i remember going as a kid was to mukilteo beach.  both my mom and my dad took me here.  if i was going to make a list, you know how much i love lists, of my mukilteo beach memories it would look like this:

walking on the logs
throwing rocks
salty air
a few times a year i bring my kids here.  it isn't the most convenient beach to get to from where i live, but creating memories isn't about convenience.  last weekend, the weather was being its normal schizophrenic self and couldn't decide if it wanted to downpour, be cloudy or sunshiny.  we had spent the day cooped up and my ratchets were getting really restless so i said, "dress for outside and water."  and off we went.

we happened to catch a break in the weather, meaning no rain, and walked all the logs from one end to the other.  there were no kites due to the previous rain showers, however a train went by, we waved at the conductor and counted the cars.  it was low tide when we got there, so we spent some time flipping over rocks and watching the crabs scurry away. 

i took one brief moment to close my eyes, lift my face to the sky and fill my lungs with the salty air.  my ratchets saw and gave me a scrunched up face look but i didn't care.  it was just how i remembered it to be.

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