Friday, May 10, 2013

panties and coffee...

scenario:  it is morning, 3 ladies in their mid-30's standing outside, huddled together quiet as church mice in panties and tank tops, with their coffee.

what comes to mind? 
  • my biggest fear they were burning belongings of old flames, caught the house on fire and they had to run for their lives?  do you remember the friends episode when the girls were burning mementos in the living room and the firemen came?  this could be the reason why the above mentioned ladies are outside in their panties, but it doesn't really explain the coffee.  if you were escaping a fire would you remember to grab your coffee?  also why would they be so quiet?  if i had just run out of a burning building, which by the way i would never run out in just my panties, i think i would be clucking away with my friends trying to figure out what exactly happened. 
  • filming for scream 5 is in progress?  i have seen all the scream movies and they are a full scale cheese fest in my opinion.  i can totally see the script having three good friends waking up after a night of being on the town.  they are in the skimpiest of clothing just lounging around with their coffee when all of sudden daunting music blossoms, a shadowy figure runs past the window and panic sets in.  these stupid girls don't know what to do besides "hide" in a place with no exit with only their hot coffee for a weapon. 
  • a religious figure has come to the door and they are pretending to hide instead of talking to them?  what, you've never done this?  okay i have to admit that i have.  hanging my head in shame.  i am not one who likes confrontation, i try to avoid it at all costs, even if that means that i hide until it disappears.  even though this is plausible to me, i don't think a group of ladies would hide from the religious people knocking on their door.  i'm sure one of them would have enough kahunas to answer that door.
none of these are correct.
how about i throw out another piece of the puzzle?

i will stab that fear with a knife!

what the hay balls?
who says stuff like that?

since my creativity wand has been misplaced i will just tell you what really went down.  honestly, there is no way on earth i could ever come up with this story. 
the three ladies are myself and my two good friends from school.  yes, we were huddled outside in our panties (it was stifling hot that night) with our coffee and we were very quiet, because we were listening to the domestic dispute that was happening above us. there was no physical violence happening just a ton of yelling.  apparently these two lovebirds are no strangers to the local police, according to my friend, they receive a friendly visit often.

nothing like waking up to a muffled, "....fucking c*&!...." at 7am.  we did what any nosy neighbor would do; made coffee and listened to the confrontation.  this round of arguing ended with him in tears, her begging for a hug, and him demanding an apology to something we never could figure out.  i'm guessing he didn't get his apology because shortly after this argument he was out on the curb with his duffel bag and kinect calling a friend to pick him up.

i should clarify that we were ready to take action should things sound like they were getting out of control but it ended before there was anything to really do.

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