tomorrow, friday, will be exactly seven days since i logged into facebook. the decision to take a hiatus was actually made in haste out of anger and spite, which i may or may not get into today, but overall i haven't missed it too much. i have decided, out of anger and spite, to shift my priorities and focus on what makes me, me.
i made myself a list the other day, when i was angry, about how to shift my focus so that i stop repeating the same cycle.
text or email (a certain someone)
be a better mom
look into going back to school
is this feasible? so far yes, although i am sort of failing in the don't text or email department. oh stop judging i will explain. the one message i sent was out of unconditional love because i am me and i sincerely care about the person the message was sent to. it wasn't anything personal just a "well wish" message about something i knew was happening that day. i sent it without any expectation of getting something back. that makes it better, right?
the dating and drinking piece is a cake walk. i have six beers in my fridge that have been there for eons and i am not tempted in the least to drink them. dating, well we all know how well i fair in that department. at this point i am better off ditching both.
the exercise, cook, and read more are fairly easy to do more of seeing as how my virtual self isn't busy. i have been doing this 30 day squat challenge, i'm up to 155 squats which i'm sorry is just plain dumb. my legs are saying, "hey you old bag, leave us alone!" this time of year is really hard for me to do major cooking since we are at the soccer fields four days a week from right after school until 7:30, but i'm trying. reading, well i do this everyday, but i do have more time to devour a couple extra books.
be a better mom. this is a toughie. i think it is hard to change how you interact with your kids. partly because your kids aren't changing how they interact with you. i still find myself with a short fuse when it comes to my daughter with her sharp tongue and attitude. i would really like to lengthen my fuse with her. a work in progress.
going to back to school. this is huge and something i am serious about doing. i am at a point where i feel comfortable with the flow of my life and feel like i can tackle something new. it seems to make sense to plan for my future. realizing that i can't wait for someone to enter my life and share the load has recently hit me in the face repeatedly. so, it's time to put on my big girl panties and take control.
a week out and i am not angry or spiteful anymore. i'm feeling positive about my future, not just the future, but what i am doing to better my future. i have been the recipient of many more spontaneous hugs from my kids, they are digging the real mom time they are getting. funny, but it seems like my "not resolution, resolution" to simplify is still in progress. simplifying is definitely a win for me!