hello, how are you? i am not on here a lot due to my current situation (i am incarcerated), but please read my profile and if you would like to give a different type of man a chance, i would enjoy the opportunity to call or write to you....
yep, you guessed it, i reluctantly put myself back on a dating website. why? i don't know i was bored. when i have been on a site in the past i keep my profile hidden so i can selectively talk to who i would like, instead of having to deal with messages like this.
back to the message.
i think of myself as a pretty open minded individual. i tend to give people the benefit of the doubt, but this has baffled me. why in the world does an inmate, a person who has been convicted of a crime and is serving out their sentence, get to have a dating profile?
my first thought was man this guy has a pretty good gig going. he gets three hot meals a day, a weight room, internet access, he probably has cable, and a room to stay in. let's see i get hot meals if i make them, there isn't anyone preparing my food. i can't afford to belong to a gym, so no weight room, but i do hoof around two children and schlep all their junk. with permission from my neighbor i use his internet. i don't have cable. we both have a room, there is something we have in common.
then my next thought went something like this what does a different type of man really mean? does this mean that if i'm down i can learn the ropes and carry on whatever his "work" is? maybe i can be a drug dealer like Mary Louise Parker in weeds? or maybe it means that he has been unjustly accused and sentenced and if i just give him a chance i can help somehow? or maybe he realizes that i simply don't have a great deal of luxury time to date and this would be the perfect situation? i don't think i am ready for this different type of man.
then we come to the call or write option. uh, heck no. somehow giving my address to an inmate does not seem like a very good idea. lets just say i strike up a "friendship" with this human and then change my mind. he now knows where i live and lets just assume that his sentence isn't a life sentence. are you following me? i've changed my mind about him, he knows where i live and is now a free man. i don't really want this type of man showing up at my doorstep.
as you can probably guess, i did not respond this inquiry. not even to say, "no thank you." i'm still not sure why inmates get to create profiles on dating websites, but i suppose there are women out there who are into this kind of thing? i am not one of those women.